Tuesday, September 9, 2008

How To Choose The Right Domain Name For Your Blog or Blogs by Suta

Here is your important guide in choosing the right domain name for your money making blog or blogs

Domain names are as important to websites as attractive covers are to books. The power of a good domain has influence far beyond what you could imagine. Finding a suitable domain name that suits your purpose is child's play if you know how to do it.

What is the justification for this? A good domain must contain good keywords that can be picked up by the search engines. Make your keyword sound compelling and make it oriented for the search engines too. This article will reveal the secrets how to achieve that goal easily.

Your first mission will be to get the perfect keyword that is optimized for the search engines and also can be used in your domain name. A tool known as a keyword analyzer can help you in this. You will get these if you do a search on the search engines. When you are on it, put in a sample keyword that you think best tells what your site is about.

The analyzer will now give you many different alternatives for the keyword you inserted. If there are some keywords that better describe your website from among these, choose them. So that's better for search engine optimization.

The time is now ripe to look for your domain name in reality. You can find out from the domain name service itself if a particular name is obtainable. The domain name service will also suggest alternatives if the one you put in is not available.

The best way to use this tool is to enter the keyword you have selected. In case the keyword itself is not available as the domain name, you will get some suggestions at least. Domain names that have the keyword and a . If this is not available, be more ingenious.

Just putting in some filler words or numbers will allow you to retain your keyword. Most people use 'a', 'an' and 'the' for such filtering purposes in their domain names. Since search engines will oversee such words, your domain name remains catchy and gets indexed too. Any number like 80 or anything else will do.

Below we describe what you must do if you get all else but not the .com suffix. In some cases, another extension does not matter, especially if the keyword is immensely popular. .biz and .org are solutions you can use if you don't get .com.

Another trick is to use a state or country extension in the domain name. If you are number 1 on Google in Brazil, it is much better business-wise than if you are number 100 on Google in America.

With little effort, you can find a domain name that will be good for the user as well as for the search engine. Nine out of ten parts of the success of your domain name depends on the keyword analyzer.

If there is no solution to getting the domain name of your choice, change the keyword.

About the Author

Article By Suta At: http://ever-tips.blogspot.com/

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