Tuesday, September 9, 2008

My Venture into Blogging by Richard

I have heard the word blog thrown around the last few years, but really did not pay much attention to it! I just recently started an internet business and thought I would start blogging to see what it was about! I looked at a few blogs and found out that basically people write about anything. I've always enjoyed writing. I wrote essays in high school and college and thought it was fun! Of course I did not tell anyone, because I always heard others saying things like "Oh, yuck, we had to do an essay in that class! I hate essays!" So, I thought I must be kind of wierd.

Another thing I did back in high school some twenty something years ago, was take a typing class. I don't remember why I took the typing class. Computers were not around much. Hardly anybody had there own computer at home back in those days! The typing in this class was done on the old IBM type writers. Funny, I don't see those around much anymore! Anyway, a decade or so later, I found myself in an office sitting in front of a Dell computer and realized that I could still type. And actually pretty darn fast. Yipee! Now I find myself constantly typing something into the keyboard. I have a Ebay business, work in as a firefighter, and do internet marketing. In all three of these careers, I use my typing skills.

The blogging is fun because a person can express themselves and get their opinions published. If you have an agenda, blog! Maybe someone will read it. Millions of people are on the internet these days and odds are some of them will want to read your blog! My blog is about my life, my job, my faith, my opinions, my businesses... lots of my's in their huh? Of course, there are blogs about politics, the environment, and just about anything! I saw one today about mobile homes!

What I like about the blogger site I am using is that you can add all kinds of things to your blog site. On mine, I have a poll about Sarah Palin. Drop by my blog before Sept. 12 and take the poll. I'm interested in what people on the internet think. Tell me if you like Sarah Palin or if you think she should go back to Alaska! LOL! Here's the link: http://reidasjeans.blogspot.com/ I think tomorrow I will blog about hurricanes!

About the Author

Richard A. Davis is a full time firefighter, homeschool Dad, Ebayer, and internet marketer. He resides in Texas. Married for 20 years with three children, two dogs, three cats, four birds, one hampster, and a fish!

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